Since its creation in early 2010, Velvetyne Type Foundry remains an independent organisation using the energy of its members as a fuel. Thanks to this fuel, we regularly publish new fonts, we organize [free workshops](/workshops/) (at least once a year) and we keep updating our website and our existing fonts, for 9 years now. We don’t rely on any sales nor any subventions from any state or private organization to continue our activities. As such, we are the only masters of our choices.
If you like our fonts and our activities, and if you think that what we do is important, please consider donating to our non-profit organization. If you are curious about all our accomplishments since our creation, please take a look at this list we have put together. Your donations will allow us to continue distributing new quality, open-source fonts and improving our existing catalogue by redrawing our old fonts, adding characters to their glyph sets or creating new weights.
author’s share
In 2024, we have adopted a new policy for managing our donations. Previously, you were invited to donate either to the foundry or to the author of the font. It was the donor’s responsibility to pay the author. This system had the advantage of giving us little day-to-day management, as our team worked on a voluntary basis. We have since received donations where the fonts are specifically named, and we felt the need to position ourselves differently with regard to this. The donation system now offers the possibility to split the donation between Velvetyne and the authors. If you want to do so, simply mention the name of the typeface along with your donation and 70% of the total will be sent to the author(s). The remaining 30% covers the daily maintenance of the website and the promotion of the author’s work.