Coming Soon : Atelier Velvelyne in Paris Rejoins-nous ! Join us!

We design libre / open source fonts. Learn more and contribute to the adventure of Velvetyne by reading our “about” page.

Frenchspeaking libre fonts : 10 years and more

Ce contenu existe en Français

We’re informing you at the last minute, but we’re organizing a virtual roundtable next Thursday, the 28th, at 6:30 PM. This roundtable will bring together a diverse group of French-speaking actors and actresses in the open-source font movement. Frank Adebiaye, Lucas Descroix, Loraine Furter, Alice Savoie, Baptiste Sozoo, along with some members of Velvetyne, will convene to provide an overview of open-source typographic practices based on the developments observed over the past decade.

This event is part of the Open Publishing Fest.

Join the conference, live on 05/28 at 6:30 p.m.

Typefaces: Outward by Raoul Audouin (future release) and Minipax by Raphaël Ronot.