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Type Workshop: Imago Mundi Mei

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Imago Mundi Mei workshop poster

Discover Imago Mundi Mei!

Imago Mundi Mei is a free workshop that will have as its goal the graphic research of two little-known techniques: typometry and psychogeography. It’s proposed by the Velvetyne Type Foundry as a part of the Fanzines! festival and in partnership with the Maison du Libre et des Communs.

During this workshop, we will create together typographic characters in a square format which, placed side by side (typometry) will allow us to draw emotional, conceptual, psychological landscapes (psychogeography).

Participants are asked to bring their laptop computers so we can work on them.

Where and when

The workshop will take place at La Paillasse (226 Rue Saint-Denis, 75002 Paris, Strasbourg-Saint-Denis metro station) the 8th and 9th june 2019.

Signing up

To sign up for the workshop, please write us a mail at : (the workshop is limited to 20 people, please tell us if ever you can’t no longer come and you wish to give your place).

Workshop program

Saturday 8th june :

9h30 : Reception of the participants, coffee, tea.

10h o’clock : Introduction to the workshop’s goals, slideshow about the history of typometry and of psychogeography. 

10h45 : Distribution of post-its and brainstorming in order to choose the concepts/symbols that we’ll develop through the workshop.

12h30 : Overview of the first sketches. Lunch time.

13h30 : Back to production!

17h : Exhibition of the first drawings, distribution of work for the next day, general joy.

Sunday 9th june :

10h : Quick presentation about drawing type characters on screen. 

11h : Finishing the drawings on paper of the characters, begining of the vector versions for some of them.

12h30 :  Lunch time.

14h : Set up of the character library, file sharing, preparation of the final digital version of the characters. Design of a small publication (zine) that would act as a user’s guide (if the remaining time allows for it).

18h - 21h : aperitif, exhibition of the results, typo/psychogeographic maps everywhere.

The typeface produced during the workshop will be freely distributed afterwards as an open-source font.


Download Imago Mundi Mei!